Find A Dance for Health: Seniors Class
We regularly update our list of classes when they become available.
If you don’t see a class in your area, connect with us to find out if one is on the way at:
Programs 2024/2025
Amherst: Christine Hodge (tremblett189@gmail.com). Classes at Amherst YMCA
Antigonish & New Glasgow: Olivia Rossong (fullcircle.caring@gmail.com) Parkland Antigonish
Dartmouth: Margaret Osmond (margaret_osmond@live.ca). Christ Church Hall, 61 Dundas Street, Downtown Dartmouth
Elmsdale: Beth Mattinson (bethmattinson@hotmail.com) Lantz Sportsplex
Grand Pre: Ailsa Keppie (ailsakeppie@gmail.com)
Mahone Bay: Heidrun Lind. (lindancefitness@gmail.com) Mahone Bay Centre, 45 School Street, Mahone Bay
Musquodoboit Harbour: Karen Kohn Bradley (kbradley608@msn.com). Old School Community Gathering Place.
Springhill: Olive Megeney (olivemegeney@gmail.com)
Sydney: Sandra Wajstaub (sandrawajstaub@gmail.com) Membertou YMCA