The Tango to Balance program has finished its current session. Please stay connected for news of future program sessions.
Tango to Balanceis a mindful exploration of the Argentine Tango walk: forward, side, and back steps to a marching beat.
During Tango to Balance sessions we: > practice lead and follow – changing roles and partners > move to the music > learn short step combinations > connect with ourselves and others
Engaging in dancing while gaining better balance, gait, and posture makes for a fantastic way to fight off brain-aging as well as the risk of falling.
Anyone who can walk independently can join this program.
These classes are FREE and open to the general public, especially for those who are managing with Parkinson’s and early-onset Alzheimer’s.
Instructor Martina Sommer
Looking to Reconnect with the Tango community after Covid? Join us for our Tea and Tango program – a dance program and social for people with neuro-motor conditions (PD, MS, Stroke) or balance challenges who can walk independently.